Our Programs

What we love to do and what's practical becomes so disconnected as we grow up. Exploring the avenues of joy and creativity to find our passion at an early age is likely the quickest route to increase the chances to achieve a balance. This process is not a point in time, rather, a journey our students go through that opens up so many possibilities. At Nextide Academy, we have added programs that will introduce the students to activities that will impact the community around them. As they surround themselves with the experiences, the awareness to what they want to become or what they want to create will grow.

Man is only great when he acts from passion.Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister 1874 - 1880

Grades K – 5

Early Foundation

We have considered all that we have researched and know about the elementary school child and have created our programs that best meet the needs of this age. We encourage student independence and ownership as learning happens in small groups. Our learning center will provide the foundation for all academic areas and we are constantly introducing new concepts/programs to adapt to growing needs of our students. Our programs are tailored to the needs of our students as we understand that not all students learn at the same pace. Our curriculum and schedule allow us to move students through material at a pace that best meets their learning style.

We insist a strong partnership between parents and the school. We value the vital role that parents play in supporting our mission. We invite our parents to share their expertise and passion in the classroom. We make our students learn that learning happens all around us all the time.

Our K-5 students also observe and learn from and with our middle school and high school students, forming working and social relationships with a wide age-range of students right here. We truly believe we have built a special place and we welcome you to come talk to us to learn more about us.

Academics, After-School, & STEM

Communication and Writing



Test and Competition Prep


Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking.

Grades 6-8

Building Blocks

Middle grades are the most fertile years in a child's education. The transition from elementary to middle school can also be challenging to many students. Our programs are geared to address these challenges as we guide our students through these fertile years in realizing their potential and setting realistic goals.

Academically talented students will need new challenges, special motivation, and support. At our learning center, we will provide the opportunity for above-level testing, feedback on their abilities, educational resources, and encouragement to continue advancing educationally.

Students will be introduced to opportunities in special group projects to develop their social skills or in independent assignments that allow them to pursue their personal interests in greater depth. Highly-motivated, self-starting learners develop advanced critical thinking skills through project-based learning and interdisciplinary thinking. Students pursue authentic, creative projects and problem sets that challenge students at their individual level.





Communication & Writing

College / School / Competition Prep.



Did you think about solving a problem today?

Grades 9-12

Make a difference

The rigor and methodology in our high school level programs give the students confidence, promote teamwork, offer a support system, hone communications skills, and improve self-esteem. Our project based approach provides with a deeper connection to the community.

We want each of our high school students to leave a legacy behind for the younger generation to emulate.





Communication and Writing

College / School / Competition Prep.


Home School Students

Explore the possibilities

Homeschooling provides students a flexible schedule to nurture their love for learning in a comfortable environment. We have that same system! We provide opportunities to explore the studies they admire and thirst to learn more about.

Join us to help develop your child’s education and take advantage of the liberties of homeschooling!

  • Online Curriculum

    Use our online curriculum to supplement learning

  • Individual Courses

    This is an Feature List Item that is part of an Feature List. Notice the connector between the three graphics to show that they are related.

  • Enrichment Programs

    Take advantage of our variety of programs

  • Social Setting

    Our system provides peer learning and teamwork opportunities